Work and a special photography project I have been working on have kept me busy enough lately that there hasn’t been too much activity from me around the homestead outside of the chickens (more on that tomorrow), but some things of note have happened.
- Cicadas! Wow, these things came out in force this past week! I don’t ever recall seeing so many that they were on car tires, grass blades, small plants, and anything else they could latch onto. Wow, this is a bumper crop this year. 😀
- Sweet Potatoes – despite not putting much of a garden out this year, I am putting out sweet potato slips. They arrive this past week, and I neglected to get them out over the weekend. I’ll try to do that Tuesday of this week. This year I have purple, white, and orange. Hopefully some will grow this time.
- Volunteers – Again, despite not putting out a garden this year, the leftover seeds in the compost had a different idea. We have at least three volunteer tomatoes growing that we will let continue to grow.
- Grass – We have a buch of grass peeking its head through our new woodchip covering on our garden. Time to move the chicken pen to let them take care of it.
Finally, I ran across a good article about Ten Things We Can Learn From Old Homesteads. I really liked this list. Is there anything you would add?